East Wing Magazine wants to hear from you. We are interested in journalistic tips, guest columns, opinion pieces, and relevant press releases about America’s first ladies present and past. Have a photo, video or a memory of an experience with a first lady you’d like to share? We’re interested! We welcome pitches from emerging writers, but we have a dedicated staff and we currently are not budgeting for reported stories and features.
Guest Columns
East Wing Magazine welcomes differing opinions and perspectives about first ladies present and past and first ladies-adjacent or East Wing topics. Our guest columns generally run 800 to 1,500 words, but we’ll consider columns of any length as long as they are compelling, clearly written and factual.
Guest columns are uncompensated.
Some guidelines:
Timely. Whether it is a historic anniversary, an upcoming event or something dominating the news headlines — these are all opportunities to connect your topic to something timely. Tipping off the edi…